Friday, November 6, 2015

Friday evening - Dad

Mom and I (Ian) visited Dad Friday evening.  Initially his eyes were open and he moved his head to face our voices.  Then he tired and slept.  He has a fever and they're giving him general anti-biotics until they figure out what is causing the fever.  We had a good conversation with the nurse, asking her lots of questions.  I liked her explanation of why the legs are losing circulation (the drugs are sending the blood to where they're needed), though that didn't jive with what the doctor said earlier.  My positive takeaway from the nurse was that we should not lose hope just yet.  I think they will take more x-rays on Saturday to see how the lungs are clearing.

Tante Liesel Celebrates 80 Years

While we are going down memory lane, 
here is something else to remember and celebrate.

This party happened in 2013 
and there weren't any candles 
because it was outside on a wonderful afternoon.

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Enjoying a Cup of Tea later in the year.

Some Highlights of Dad's 80th Birthday

Yes, there were 80 candles!

With all those candles going like a house on fire, 
everyone was very thankful that the smoke alarms didn't go off.

Not to mention that candles are against the rules in the room we rented.
(Please don't tell!)

Some of the great people who came out for the party.
Can you pick out the rule-breakers?

(Karl's photos - 2014)

Our Journey is Part of God's Plan

"For I know the plans I have for you," 
declares the LORD, 
"plans to prosper you and not to harm you, 
plans to give you hope and a future.
Then you will call on me 
and come and pray to me, 
and I will listen to you. 
You will seek me and find me 
when you seek me with all your heart.  
I will be found by you...."

Jeremiah 29:11-14a